


kenny is all about his independance lately. he is growing up. 
i definitely do not have a baby anymore. 

kenny at one week old being all baby like and so dependent on his mama

kenny at 15 months all grown up and and so very independent.

he is so much fun though! i love being his mama and watching him learn and grow. best adventure i have been on!

p.s. do you guys like my new blog header? it's pretty amazing huh! go {here} to check out the awesome lady behind the awesome design work! ;)


  1. Wow! What a good boy! If I give my 14 month old food on a plate she dumps it. Forks? Forget about it! Its all fingers in this house.

    1. Sometimes I wish he would just use his fingers. As you can see from his face in the picture he was having a hard time picking the peaches up with the fork. too slippery. haha. he doesn't like to get his fingers sticky though. he refuses to use anything but a fork now days...

  2. He looks like such a big boy at the table with his food. My little guy dumps his food on the floor if I give it to him on a plate. So, I just put it on his high chair tray. And I fork his food and give it to him to feed himself. He loves it.

  3. He's growing so fast! Look how much of a "big boy" he is :)

  4. He's so sweet! Independence is a bit of a bittersweet feeling though, that's for sure! Love your new header!

    1. Oh man it really is! I am missing those tiny baby days a lot lately. BUT I am LOVING how much fun he is and how funny he is. He cracks me up!

  5. He is so darling! I LOVE your new look. Very nice. Great colors!
