
February=A GREAT Month!!

So February is basically one of my very favorite months...EVER!

I personally love V-day. Mick and I like to do our own thing in the comfort of our home. I am really not into going out to uber busy restaurants and I hate chocolates. Last year we celebrated this lovey dovey day with a heart shaped pizza from a local pizza place and he gave me a pretty little flower. We watched a chick flick and snuggled. I made him homemade peanut butter chocolates and a card. It was simple and totally great! That's how I like it.

I am doing some fun stuff on the blog and a few things on my fellow bloggers blogs! WAHOO! I am way excited to be doing that! Like WAY excited!

The 20th is Kenny's first birthday. I have planned the best b-day party ever! It's totally over the top and way unnecessary (he is just a little guy after all and most likely will not remember a single thing from it) but I am having sooooo much fun that I don't even care! It will be the party of the year! ;) Just kidding. I would never presume to be that great of a party planner but I think it will be pretty great! I am just so dang excited!

The 24th is my birthday! I don't exactly love getting "older" but I love birthdays! Last year I was just barley home from the hospital after having Kenny and was so tired that all I remember was that Mick made the best Lasagna ever AND it was the first birthday in years I was able to spend with a member of my familia (my Mom!).

Here are just a couple of the great things that have already happened in the month of February...Yeah...it's still the 1st! I'm telling ya! This is a great month!!!

Mick got a job today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait....

MICK GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, almost. He goes in tomorrow and that is when they will officially offer him the job. HA! I am so excited and so proud of my husband's hard work to find...work! We are super excited! 

I made my first sale today! I sell a super duper awesome drink called Choffy! Its basically brewed hot chocolate. Its super healthy and tastes amazing! I am so happy that I made that sale! It definitely gave me the confidence to keep at it!

I wore red lipstick today for the first time. I was kinda nervous but I decided to just do it! This is why {HERE}. I am so glad I did! People actually asked me where I got my lipstick at because they loved it! Wow! Another boost for my confidence! (NOT in a prideful way. Just a humble, grateful, and positive way.)

I've lost two pounds! I usually don't keep track of my weight but after having the baby and letting myself get a bit "fluffy" I decided I would keep track until I started SEEING progress. I don't know why. I guess its just a small form of motivation for me. I like to see the scale go down. Maybe I will just keep track until I get down to my pre-pregnancy weight. Or at least within 5 pounds of it! 

It has seriously been a great day! I hope your's has been awesome too! 


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