
And the Photo Contest Winner is...


Wahoo!!! Look at this adorable little guy surfing! So cool!

You guys should all go check out dinah's blog {here}. she has way cool fingernails! hehe! dinah is pretty much the coolest. i remember as a little 12 year old thinking she and a couple of the other girls in my church were SOOOO COOOL! they were older and so pretty and i could not wait to grow up to be like them. haha!

do you wanna hear a funny story...for my very first dance (at age 14...whoa, i cannot believe this has been 10 years!), dinah and this guy were in charge and they decided to do a "snowball" dance. is that what it's called where a boy and a girl start the dance off then they go and ask some one else to dance...until everyone is dancing. well, they picked me to start it off. it was my first dance ever and i had the whole room watching me. ugh...i was so embarrassed! lol. i survived though and went on to dance many dances in front of a large crowd! haha!

anyways, congrats dinah! we loved your picture! message me your address [jessicahunt88{at}gmail{dot}com] and i will get your print sent to you!

thank you to all who entered!! i am so grateful for the support and for you guys wanting to participate in the fun things i try to do here on my blog! there is more to come!

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