
Bow Ties and Dresses

I found my niche

I have been searching for my "thing" for a while now and I think I have finally found it! I owe it all to my little man who has inspired me more than anything else in this whole wide world! Well, except for Pinterest...


I was making all these things for little girls and that was great but it wasn't completely fulfilling. I wanted to create something for my baby. I have called him my "little man" since the day he was born. Little men should wear bow ties. Duh! ;) So I made him one. It was ADORABLE! I posted a few on Etsy and BAM! I was in business!

I have sold way more than I ever expected actually. I had requests for weddings! I have had offers for professional photography. I have been featured on other bloggers blogs and in Etsy treasury shops. It has been so wonderful. I KNEW this was going to be a good year!

I have some amazing things planned for Spring! You guys should check out my new Spring Bow Tie collection {HERE}! They are so fantastic! 

Kenny's little "girlfriend" has inspired me to make matching dresses and bow ties. Yep! It has already happened! I will be taking pictures this week to share! For Mother's day I will be doing matching dresses (for baby girl), bow ties (for baby boy) and skirts (for mama) and for Father's Day I will be doing ties (for daddy), bow tie (for baby boy) and dresses (for baby girl)!

 I cannot even begin to describe the cuteness that will be taking place over at Dream Catcher Baby! 

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